779 St. Albans Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33486
Office: (561) 750-8669 Cell: 561-451-7127
Dr. Willis is President of L.J. CRAIG & Associates Inc., a management and organizational consulting firm, which is the culmination of 44 years of Human Resources and management experience. The firm specializes in the design and delivery of “People Management Systems” including but not limited to employee training, the design and administration of assessment centers, structured-behavioral interviews, written exams, organizational development, performance management systems, coaching for promotional testing and job analysis. The custom designed products and programs follow an in-depth needs assessment, are tailored to each organization’s culture, and adhere to legally defensible principles. Her firm’s clients represent a diverse mix from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors in the U.S., the Caribbean, Thailand and Dubai, U.A.E.
Dr. Willis also serves as an expert witness for attorneys in the employment law and personal industry disciplines. She has served as an expert witness (for the plaintiff or defendant) in cases against the city, county, state and federal government, the private sector to include some multinational corporations and the Canadian federal government. The industries include: Automotive, Bio-Medical, Chemicals, Common carriers, Financial services, Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals, Oil, Retail, Food manufacturing, Private Security, Nursing services, Health/hospital, Electrical contracting, Gaming, Telecommunications, Law Enforcement. Her areas of expertise include: Negligent hiring, retention and supervision, negligence, race discrimination, Age Discrimination and Employment Act (ADEA), retaliation, gender discrimination, hostile work environment, sexual harassment, hostile environment sexual harassment, and the Equal Pay Act (EPA).
Dr. Willis was on the full time faculty (retired 2023) at the College of Business (COB) management department, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL for over 10 years and taught a variety of HR and management undergraduate and graduate courses, For about 20 years, she was an instructor for the HR Certificate and Advanced HR Certificate programs for the. Executive Education division of the COB.
She is the author of Mastering the Assessment Center Process. The Fast to Track to Promotion (2nd Edition, 2021) and Developing Your Innate Abilities Experiencing Assessment Center Exercises (3rd edition) (2019) and the same book with a title change and a co-author (David Herst, Ph.D.) Harnessing Your Innate Abilities…( 4th Edition), 2023.
The Human Resources Certification Institute of the Society of Human Resource Management certifies her as a Senior Human Resources Professional (SPHR).
Dr. Willis’ other publications are:
Dissertation: A cross-organizational and across-job analyses of the match/non-match concept of situational leadership in a metropolitan police department and a private security organization.
Critical Thinking Application 5-A: Freeman et al. v. The New Oxford Fire Department in Human Resource Management an Experiential Approach, 6th Edition by H. John Bernardin and Joyce E.A, Russell (2013), pp. 561-565.
Strategies and Methods for Competency-Based Selection and Leadership Development: Four Case Studies, in Current Practices, Insights and Perspectives, the 2006 Pfeiffer Annual Human Resource Management (editor, Robert C. Preziosi).
Recent Research on the Performance Management Process, Three Case Study Applications and Recommendations in the 2007 Pfeiffer Annual Human Resource Management (editor, Robert C. Preziosi).