Developing Your Innate Abilities | Career Coaching by L.J. Craig

Reach New Career Heights and Success Through Career Coaching

Thank you for investing your time and energy, which you are committing, in order to develop your innate abilities (aka soft skills). You have already taken the first step by purchasing a copy of Developing Your Innate Abilities Experiencing Assessment Center Exercises.

If after reading the book and/or completing the quizzes online (i.e., eBook) you desire to further enhance your abilities you would be wise to purchase a package. I urge you to consider the countless benefits of one-on-one coaching (via ZOOM). Click here for more reasons that the coaching package is beneficial alongside your book purchase.

All packages in the table include the following services:

  1. Address and discuss your self-evaluation.
  2. Address and discuss in-depth your self-evaluation and address specific concerns.
  3. Answer any questions you have concerning your abilities (strengths and weaknesses).
  4. Answer any other general questions you have.
  5. Discuss some scenarios from any chapter and similar situations you have dealt with and how you might have made different decisions given the opportunity to see the situation in retrospect.
  6. Discuss what is currently occurring in your career and to apply your abilities in any future job applications/interviews.
  7. Review some quiz questions and identify alternatives as to how ways to handle the problems addressed.

Each package that follows is supplemented from the previous package with additional services for your to consider.

Package ## HoursServices ProvidedPrice
11Formulate actions which you will take to improve 2 abilities.
Review and discuss the scenarios in 2 chapters.
21.5Formulate actions which you will take to improve 4 abilities.
Review and discuss the scenarios in 4 chapters.
32Formulate actions you will take to improve 7 abilities especially in those areas where weaknesses have been self-identified.
43Review and critique your specific selection of a number of self-evaluation questions where you can provide specific examples to substantiate the choice you made.
Review/Discuss the Subordinate Counseling or In-Basket exercise and similar situations you have dealt with and how you might have made different decisions at that time.
Analyze the Subordinate Counseling or In-Basket exercise and identify other ways to handle the situations.
53.5Discuss/review the scenarios and questions in Chapter 12 and discuss other ways to handle the situations.
Review the quiz questions from 7 chapters and determine alternatives as to how to handle the problems addressed.
Share some related situations with Dr. Willis and/or one of her Associates, and identify ways you could improve how you handle similar situations in the future.
64.5Discuss/review the problem solving cases and other ways to handle the situations.
Discuss/review the workplace scenarios and other ways to handle the situations.
Present your completed homework assignment regarding examples when you used the 7 abilities and what you would have done differently after our discussion.
75Further enhance your understanding of each ability and how your refined innate abilities can be used to improve your job performance.
Present your completed homework assignment regarding how you will use your abilities to coach a problem employee and identify remedial techniques.
Participate in a 30 minute interview via ZOOM with Dr. Willis or one of her Associates which taps into the abilities which includes feedback immediately after the 30 minute interview.